Monitor stocks the easy way.

About Us

We're a membership service for investors that aims to make your life easier.
Daily we gather, aggregate, rank and identify news and developments - Then package them in a personal daily or weekly summary for you.

Meet Nicolai


I'm Nicolai Wilder. I built this service in 2022, because I was frustrated with the daily process of keeping up with my own portfolio.

Tracking a handful of stocks quickly added up hours a week. Jumping from site to site, scrolling through endless news and social media feeds, not to mention the click-bait.

I've spent the over 20 years developing trading applications, so I knew the domain and I realized I could help a lot of people simplify their lives a little. Every day.

If you have questions about the service or suggestions on how I may better serve you better, drop me a line here.

Currently based in Austin, Texas Copenhagen, Denmark.

Here's my LinkedIn page
Follow me on Twitter

Fun at home. Quick selfie on Wheeler Peak in New Mexico.
Dressed for success.


Join us on our journey


Give you the tools to be a great investor.


Give you tools to guard your most precious assets.
Your investments - Your attention.


Give you the high-level picture and let you decide let level of detail.